Dewetron DEWE-5001

Manuals and User Guides for Dewetron DEWE-5001. We found 2 manuals for free downloads Manual

Dewetron DEWE-5001 is a portable data acquisition system capable of measuring various physical and electrical quantities. It offers a modular design, allowing for up to 256 channels with external expansion racks or PAD modules. Depending on the model or configuration, it features connections via safety banana plugs, BNC connectors, DSUB connectors, thermocouple connectors, BINDER® connectors, SMB connectors, µdot connectors, LEMO® connectors, or RJ-45 connectors. This DEWETRON system can be used in a wide range of applications, including automotive, energy & power analysis, aerospace & defense, transportation, and general test & measurement.

Key Features

  • Portable
  • Up to 256 channels
  • Modular design
  • Various sensor types
  • DEWESoft™ software
  • High accuracy

Pages: 30 Dewetron DEWE-5001 Manual

Brand: Dewetron Category: Measuring, testing & control Size: 6 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

30 Pages


Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

What types of sensors are compatible with DEWE-5001?
The DEWE-5001 supports a variety of sensors, including strain gages, ICPs, thermocouples, and resistance sensors. The specific types and configurations depend on the chosen modules and adapters.
What is the maximum sampling rate of the DEWE-5001?
The sampling rate depends on the specific configuration and A/D converter used. Please refer to the appendix A of the instruction manual for detailed information.
How do I connect the DEWE-5001 to a computer?
The DEWE-5001 can be connected to a computer via USB, Ethernet, or RS-232 interface. Refer to the manual for details on each connection type.
What kind of software is used with DEWE-5001?
The DEWE-5001 is compatible with DEWESoft™ software, which provides extensive data acquisition and analysis capabilities. It offers functions like online data processing, filters, statistics, and reference curves.
