Digital Yacht AIT5000

Manuals and User Guides for Digital Yacht AIT5000. We found 3 manuals for free downloads Quick Start, User manual, instruction manual

Digital Yacht AIT5000 is an advanced Class B+ AIS transponder that enhances your boating safety and situational awareness. With its integrated VHF antenna splitter, you can receive and transmit AIS data using your existing VHF antenna. Connect to your chart plotter or other NMEA 0183 devices through the dedicated outputs, or to your NMEA 2000 network via the N2Net interface.

Key Features

  • Class B+ certification for enhanced safety and situational awareness
  • Transmits vessel's position, course, and speed to nearby AIS-equipped vessels and shore stations
  • Receives AIS signals from other vessels for real-time tracking
  • Integrated "Zero Loss" VHF antenna splitter for easy connection to existing VHF antenna
  • Dedicated GPS antenna for accurate positioning
  • NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 connectivity for integration with other marine electronics
  • USB interface for connection to a PC
  • Water-resistant design for durability in marine environments

Pages: 9 Digital Yacht AIT5000 Quick Start

Brand: Digital Yacht Category: Marine Equipment Size: 1 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

14 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

12 Pages

instruction manual

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the purpose of an AIS transponder?
An AIS transponder enhances safety by transmitting your vessel's position, course, and speed to nearby AIS-equipped vessels and shore stations, providing a clear picture of your surroundings and reducing the risk of collisions.
What is the difference between Class A and Class B AIS?
Class A AIS is typically used on commercial vessels and provides more detailed information and longer range than Class B AIS, which is designed for recreational vessels and transmits less frequently.
How do I install the AIT5000?
Follow the instructions provided in the Quick Start Guide to install the AIT5000, including connecting the VHF and GPS antennas, securing the unit with screws, and providing power.
How do I configure the AIT5000?
To configure the AIT5000, connect to its wireless network and access the web interface using a mobile device or computer. You can set your MMSI number, adjust transmission settings, and more.
