Dwyer DPG-000

Manuals and User Guides for Dwyer DPG-000. We found 1 manuals for free downloads User manual

Below you will find brief information for Digital Pressure Gage DPG-000. This manual provides instructions for installing and operating the Dwyer DPG-000 Digital Pressure Gage. It has a 4 digit digital display which reduces the potential for errors in readings by eliminating parallax error commonly produced with analog gages. The DPG-000 is packaged in a durable extruded aluminum case designed to meet NEMA 4/4X. The unit is battery powered and has an auto-shut off to conserve battery life. Readings may be converted to various engineering units. You can find complete instructions for operating the gage in the flow chart provided on the back side of the manual.

Key Features

  • Precise +/- 0.50% Full Scale Accuracy
  • 4 Digit Digital Display
  • Durable Extruded Aluminum Case
  • NEMA 4/4X Enclosure Rating
  • Battery Powered
  • Auto-Shut Off
  • Peak and Valley Reading
  • Engineering Unit Conversion
  • Backlight

Pages: 2 Dwyer DPG-000 User manual

Brand: Dwyer Category: Measuring, testing & control Size: 89 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I zero the display?
Press and hold the 'Zero' button for 2 seconds to zero the display.
What happens if the display does not re-zero after pressing the 'Zero' button?
If the display does not re-zero after pressing the 'Zero' button, the unit is no longer meeting specified accuracy and should be sent back to the factory for calibration.
What are the pressure limits for this gage?
The pressure limit is 2x pressure range for models ≤1000 psi; 5000 psi for 3000 psi range; 7500 psi for 5000 psi range.
How do I remove the batteries?
To remove the batteries, remove the three screws on the backplate, lift the backplate off by hand, and replace the batteries per polarity indicators.
