Extech Instruments RPM40

Manuals and User Guides for Extech Instruments RPM40. We found 9 manuals for free downloads Data Sheet, User manual, User's manual

Extech Instruments RPM40 is a versatile combination tachometer capable of measuring RPM with high accuracy. Its non-contact photo tachometer mode allows for quick and easy RPM measurements from a safe distance, while the contact mode with included attachments enables precise measurements on various rotating surfaces. Additionally, it can measure linear surface speeds in feet per minute, meters per minute, or inches per minute, making it ideal for a wide range of applications in automotive, industrial, and mechanical settings.

Pages: 1 Extech Instruments RPM40 Data Sheet

Brand: Extech Instruments Category: Measuring, testing & control Size: 325 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

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6 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

6 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

6 Pages

User's manual

Languages: Spanish

User's manual

Languages: Portuguese

6 Pages

User's manual

Languages: Chinese

7 Pages

User's manual

Languages: French

7 Pages

User's manual

Languages: German

7 Pages

User's manual

Languages: Italian
