Extech ExStik EC500

Manuals and User Guides for Extech ExStik EC500. We found 16 manuals for free downloads User Guide, User's Guide, instruction manual, User manual, Operating instructions, User's manual

Below you will find brief information for Dissolved Oxygen Meter ExStik DO600, Dissolved Oxygen Meter Kit ExStik DO600-K, Extension Cable EX050, Dissolved Oxygen Meter Kit ExStik DO610. The ExStik DO600 is a dissolved oxygen and temperature meter that displays both measurements simultaneously. It features data hold, 25 points memory, auto power off, automatic temperature compensation, salinity, and altitude compensation. The kit includes the DO600 meter, DO603 membrane kit, EX050 cable, and weight, and CA895 case. The EX050 extension cable is a 16-foot cable that allows you to measure dissolved oxygen up to 16 feet away from the meter. The DO610 kit includes the EC500 pH/Conductivity/Salinity/TDS ExStik II Meter, the DO600 Dissolved Oxygen ExStik II Meter, single use pH buffer pouches 4, 7, and 10pH, sample cups with cap, weighted base for sample cups, and batteries, all packed in a carrying case.

Key Features

  • Simultaneous DO and Temperature Measurement
  • Data Hold
  • 25-Point Memory
  • Auto Power Off
  • Automatic Temperature Compensation
  • Salinity and Altitude Compensation
  • Membrane Kit Included
  • Carrying Case Included
  • Extension Cable Included

Pages: 12 Extech ExStik EC500 User Guide

Brand: Extech Category: Measuring, testing & control Size: 744 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

13 Pages

User's Guide

Languages: English

14 Pages

User's Guide

Languages: English

13 Pages

User's Guide

Languages: English

13 Pages

User's Guide

Languages: English

13 Pages

instruction manual

Languages: Italian

13 Pages

User manual

Languages: German

12 Pages

User manual

Languages: Chinese

15 Pages

User manual

Languages: Portuguese

13 Pages

instruction manual

Languages: French

13 Pages

User Guide

Languages: Portuguese

13 Pages

User manual

Languages: Spanish

13 Pages

Operating instructions

Languages: Spanish

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I calibrate the DO600 meter?
Calibration should be performed on a daily basis. Turn the meter ON and press and hold the MODE/HOLD button until % is displayed on the LCD. Place the electrode cap onto the electrode and wait until the reading stabilizes. Then, press and hold the CAL/RECALL button until CAL is shown in the lower display. The readings will blink “101.7” and “SA” will appear. Once the calibration is complete "End" will appear and then the meter will return to the normal measurement mode.
How do I change the measurement units?
To change the measurement units, press and hold the MODE/HOLD button for 2 seconds. The display will scroll through the different units of measure: % saturation; D.O. in mg/l; D.O. in ppm (parts per million). When the desired units are displayed, release the MODE/HOLD button and the unit will return to normal operating mode.
What is the purpose of the electrode retaining collar?
The electrode retaining collar is used to securely attach the electrode to the meter. It also helps to seal the electrode, preventing electrolyte solution from leaking out.
