Falcon 1690 Touchbar

Manuals and User Guides for Falcon 1690 Touchbar. We found 1 manuals for free downloads Installation instructions

The FALCON 1690 Touchbar is a concealed vertical rod panic device designed for use on single doors. It features a touchbar that, when pressed, releases the latch and allows the door to swing open freely. The 1690 Touchbar is ideal for use in applications where a panic exit device is required to provide a safe and efficient exit in an emergency.

Key Features

  • Concealed Vertical Rod
  • Touchbar Operation
  • Panic Exit Device
  • Single Door Application
  • Easy Installation
  • Reliable Performance
  • Various Finishes
  • Adjustable Rod Lengths
  • Field Sizing

Pages: 16 Falcon 1690 Touchbar Installation instructions

Brand: Falcon Category: Exit buttons Size: 1 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the difference between the 1690 Hex Bottom Rod and the RL bottom rod?
The door preparation for the 1690 Hex Bottom Rod is different than for the RL bottom rod. Please verify rod type in package and prep required (page 16) before prepping the door.
How do I adjust the rod lengths?
The rods are factory set for a standard 7' door. You can adjust the rod lengths to fit different door heights.
How do I re-hand the device?
You can re-hand the device to fit either a right-hand or left-hand door.
How do I field size the device?
You can field size the device to fit different door widths.
How do I retrofit a 1990 device to a 1690 device?
The installation instructions include a section on retrofitting a 1990 device to a 1690 device.
