GARRETT Grand Master Hunter CX III

Manuals and User Guides for GARRETT Grand Master Hunter CX III. We found 1 manuals for free downloads Operating instructions

Below you will find brief information for Grand Master Hunter CX III, Grand Master Hunter. The Grand Master Hunter CX III is a metal detector designed to find coins, rings, and jewelry. It can also be used to find relics and other treasures. It features a motion mode, a non-motion mode, and a pinpointing function. It also features a variety of settings, including discrimination, depth, threshold, tone, volume, and frequency. The Grand Master Hunter features a variety of settings, including discrimination, depth, threshold, tone, volume, and frequency.

Key Features

  • Motion mode
  • Non-motion mode
  • Pinpointing function
  • Discrimination settings
  • Depth settings
  • Threshold settings
  • Tone settings
  • Volume settings
  • Frequency settings
  • Treasure Talk

Pages: 40 GARRETT Grand Master Hunter CX III Operating instructions

Brand: GARRETT Category: Measuring, testing & control Size: 278 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I turn the detector on?
Press the Power touchpad once. The voice will say "Power On" and the detector will begin operating.
How do I turn the detector off?
Press the Power touchpad once. The voice will say "Power Off" and the detector will turn off.
How do I adjust the discrimination settings?
Use the SELECT touchpad to scroll through the menu items and use the + and - touchpads to adjust the settings. The lower scale will indicate notches.
How do I pinpoint a target?
Press and hold the PINPOINT touchpad. The depth of coin-sized targets will be displayed on the lower scale.
How do I use the Treasure Talk feature?
Use the SELECT touchpad to scroll through the menu items and use the + and - touchpads to adjust the settings for the Treasure Talk feature. It has 4 levels of Talk. Off, A, B and C.
