GARRETT Master Hunter CX

Manuals and User Guides for GARRETT Master Hunter CX. We found 2 manuals for free downloads Operating instructions, User manual

Below you will find brief information for Metal detector Master Hunter CX, Metal detector Master Hunter CX Plus. Metal detector Master Hunter CX and Master Hunter CX Plus are designed to help you find coins, jewelry, and other valuable objects. The metal detector is equipped with a variety of features that make it easy to use and effective at finding treasure.

Key Features

  • Discriminate mode
  • All Metal mode
  • Pinpointing mode
  • Dual discrimination control
  • Fast Track ground balance
  • Depth multiplier
  • Target ID meter
  • LCD Target Identification Display

Pages: 13 GARRETT Master Hunter CX Operating instructions

Brand: GARRETT Category: Measuring, testing & control Size: 126 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

22 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I turn on the detector?
To turn on the detector, simply press the Power touchpad. The detector will begin operating in the Discriminate mode and you will hear a beep indicating that it is operating.
What is the difference between Discriminate and All Metal mode?
The Discriminate mode allows you to eliminate detection of various trash targets, while the All Metal mode detects all metal targets. The Discriminate mode is generally preferred for coin hunting, while All Metal mode is useful for searching for caches and relics.
How do I adjust the discrimination settings?
The Master Hunter CX and CX Plus detectors feature dual discrimination controls on the side panel. These controls allow you to reject and accept targets in both the ferrous (iron) and non-ferrous ranges. To adjust the discrimination settings, rotate the knobs on the side panel. The left knob controls the rejection of ferrous materials, while the right knob controls the rejection of non-ferrous materials.
How do I ground balance the detector?
Ground balancing is automatically done in Discriminate mode. In All Metal mode, you can ground balance the detector by pressing and holding the Fast Track touchpad while moving the searchcoil from side to side. When the sound becomes constant, release the touchpad.
