Gigahertz Solutions HFE35C
Manuals and User Guides for Gigahertz Solutions HFE35C. We found 9 manuals for free downloads instruction manual, User manual, Operating manual, Manual
Below you will find brief information for High Frequency Analyser HF58B-r, High Frequency Analyser HFE35C, High Frequency Analyser HFE59B. The HF58B-r allows a competent assessment of HF exposures between 800 MHz and 2.5 GHz. This particular frequency range is particularly relevant because cellular phones, cordless phones, microwave ovens as well as next-generation technologies such as UMTS/3G or Bluetooth and WLAN all make extensive use of it.
Key Features
- Frequency range: 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
- Measures peak and average power density
- Logarithmic-periodic antenna included
- Audio analysis for modulated signals
- Peak hold function for capturing maximum values
- Video bandwidth selection for accurate pulsed signal measurement
- Optional attenuator and preamplifiers for extended measurement range
- Battery management features
Pages: 16 Gigahertz Solutions HFE35C instruction manual
Brand: Gigahertz Solutions Category: Network analyzers Size: 447 KB
Languages: English
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Frequently Answers and Questions
What kind of batteries does the HF58B-r use?
What is the difference between peak and average power density?
Why does the document recommend using the LogPer antenna for measurements?
What are the recommended power density limits for sleeping areas?
What is the purpose of the audio analysis feature on the HF58B-r?