HP Z820 Dual Six-Core / Dual Eight-Core CPU

Manuals and User Guides for HP Z820 Dual Six-Core / Dual Eight-Core CPU. We found 2 manuals for free downloads Manual

The HP Z820 Dual Six-Core / Dual Eight-Core CPU workstation is a powerful and versatile solution for professionals who need to edit video, audio, and other media. This document provides a detailed guide to configuring the Z820 workstation for optimal performance with Avid editing software. The document outlines recommended hardware configurations, BIOS settings, and driver installations to ensure compatibility and efficiency. The Z820 workstation supports a range of features, including dual Intel Xeon processors, NVIDIA Quadro graphics cards, and various storage options, making it a highly adaptable system. This guide provides valuable insights for both beginners and experienced users looking to maximize the capabilities of the Z820 workstation for Avid editing workflows.

Key Features

  • Dual Intel Xeon processors
  • NVIDIA Quadro graphics cards
  • Avid-qualified BIOS settings
  • NVIDIA driver optimization
  • Support for Avid software versions
  • Various external local SAS storage options

Pages: 26 HP Z820 Dual Six-Core / Dual Eight-Core CPU Manual

Brand: HP Category: PC/workstation barebones Size: 1 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

24 Pages


Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the supported CPU choices for the Z820 workstation?
The supported CPU choices are Dual Intel® 6-Core Xeon® E5-2640 Processors @ 2.5GHz and Dual Intel® 8-Core Xeon® E5-2665 Processors @ 2.4GHz. The 6-core Xeon® E5-2640 @ 2.5GHz Processors are qualified for Media Composer, Symphony and NewsCutter or higher. The 8-Core Xeon® E5-2665 Processors @ 2.4GHz are qualified only for Media Composer 6.x , Symphony 6.x and NewsCutter 10.x or higher.
What are the supported video cards?
The supported video cards are NVIDIA K4000 3GB PCI-e video board and NVIDIA Quadro 4000 2GB PCI-e video board.
What are the recommended system memory configurations?
The standard AVID memory configuration is 16GB (8 x 2GB) DDR3 1600 ECC memory. Optional configurations include 16GB (4 x 4GB) DDR3 1600 ECC memory, 32GB (16 x 2GB) DDR3 1600 ECC memory, and 32GB (8 x 4GB) DDR3 1600 ECC memory.
What are the supported operating systems for the Z820 workstation?
The supported operating system is Microsoft® Windows 7 Professional 64-bit Edition with Service Pack 1.
How do I set the Z820 BIOS settings for Avid editing environments?
The required BIOS settings for the Z820 workstation include enabling Hyper-Threading, disabling Memory NUMA and Runtime Power Management, and setting Idle Power Savings to Normal. Additionally, you may need to disable Intel Turbo Mode if connecting USB audio I/O devices to eliminate audio issues.
How do I optimize the Nvidia video driver settings for Avid editing?
The recommended settings for the Nvidia video driver include setting the “Power Management Mode” to “Prefer maximum performance,” selecting “Multiple display performance mode” for “Multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration,” and enabling “Video Editing Mode” (for driver versions 275.89 and 310.90 only).
