Hanna Instruments HI 38019 Total Chlorine

Manuals and User Guides for Hanna Instruments HI 38019 Total Chlorine. We found 1 manuals for free downloads instruction manual

Below you will find brief information for HI 38019 Total Chlorine. This Hanna Instruments device is designed to measure free and combined chlorine in water samples. It uses a colorimetric method, where the DPD reagent reacts with chlorine to produce a pink color, the intensity of which is proportional to the chlorine concentration. The kit comes with everything you need to perform the test, including reagents, vials, a checker disc, and a demineralizer bottle. With a range of 0-0.7 mg/L or 0-3.5 mg/L, this kit is suitable for a range of applications, including drinking water, swimming pools, and wastewater treatment.

Key Features

  • Measures Total Chlorine
  • Checker Disc for Color Comparison
  • Chemical Reaction Method
  • Suitable for Various Applications
  • Reagent Packets Included
  • Demineralizer Bottle for Water Treatment
  • Range Options: 0-0.7 mg/L or 0-3.5 mg/L
  • Colorimetric Analysis

Pages: 2 Hanna Instruments HI 38019 Total Chlorine instruction manual

Brand: Hanna Instruments Size: 108 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I use the demineralizer bottle?
Remove the cap and fill the Demineralizer Bottle with tap water. Replace the cap and shake gently for at least 2 minutes. The demineralized water is now ready.
What interferences should I be aware of when using this kit?
Interferences include bromine, iodine, fluorine, ozone, oxidized manganese and chromium.
What is the difference between free chlorine and combined chlorine?
Free chlorine is the active form of chlorine that disinfects water. Combined chlorine is formed when free chlorine reacts with ammonia and organic compounds, resulting in a lower disinfection potential.
