Hanna Instruments HI 720 XYZ-α

Manuals and User Guides for Hanna Instruments HI 720 XYZ-α. We found 1 manuals for free downloads instruction manual

Below you will find brief information for conductivity process controller HI 720 XYZ-α. This instrument allows conductivity measurements without any electrical contact between electrodes and process fluid. The measurement is based on inductive coupling of two toroidal transformers by the liquid. It is equipped with a graphic display, easy to understand as your cellular phone. Simple messages guide the users through all operations and parameter setting.

Key Features

  • Electrodeless measurement
  • Graphic display
  • Auto-ranging
  • Temperature compensation
  • Concentration measurement
  • Cleaning in place
  • Hold management
  • Digital transmitter input
  • RS485 communication

Pages: 42 Hanna Instruments HI 720 XYZ-α instruction manual

Brand: Hanna Instruments Category: Measuring, testing & control Size: 1 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

How does the HI 720 measure conductivity?
The HI 720 uses an inductive probe to measure conductivity without any electrical contact between electrodes and the process fluid.
What types of temperature sensors can be used with the HI 720?
The HI 720 can use either a 3-wire or 2-wire Pt100 or Pt1000 sensor with automatic recognition and damage test.
What are the main operating modes of the HI 720?
The HI 720 has six main operating modes: Setup mode, Calibration mode, Control mode, Idle mode, Last calibration data viewing mode, and Diagnostic mode.
How can I enter the Setup mode?
You can enter the Setup mode by pressing the SETUP key and entering the password when the device is in idle or control mode.
How can I reset the general password to the default value?
You can reset the general password to the default value by pressing CFM+DIAG+CAL DATA simultaneously, while in normal operating mode.
