Hanna Instruments HI38054

Manuals and User Guides for Hanna Instruments HI38054. We found 1 manuals for free downloads Owner's manual

Hanna Instruments HI38054 Ozone Test Kit is a portable device for measuring ozone concentration in water samples. It uses a colorimetric method to determine the ozone concentration, which is displayed in mg/L (ppm) units. The kit includes 100 test packets, a deionized water bottle, a checker disc, two glass vials with caps, and a plastic pipette. The test procedure involves filling the glass vials with the sample and adding the reagent, waiting for a reaction to occur, and then inserting the reacted sample into the checker disc for color matching.

Pages: 1 Hanna Instruments HI38054 Owner's manual

Brand: Hanna Instruments Category: Measuring, testing & control Size: 111 KB

Languages: English

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