Hewlett-Packard 3478A

Manuals and User Guides for Hewlett-Packard 3478A. We found 2 manuals for free downloads User manual, Service manual

The Hewlett-Packard 3478A is a fully programmable HP-IB digital multimeter. It offers 3 1/2 to 5 1/2 digit resolution for measuring dc volts, true RMS ac volts, 2- and 4-wire ohms, and dc and RMS ac current. It can be used on a bench or in systems applications. The 3478A has a fast trigger mode which lets you bypass the built-in settling time delay, to make fast true RMS ac measurements. The alphanumeric Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) gives you measurement units as part of the reading for easy-to-read, unambiguous answers.

Key Features

  • fully programmable
  • HP-IB interface
  • 3 1/2 to 5 1/2 digit resolution
  • dc volts, true RMS ac volts
  • 2- and 4-wire ohms
  • dc and RMS ac current
  • alphanumeric LCD
  • fast trigger mode
  • electronic calibration

Pages: 98 Hewlett-Packard 3478A User manual

Brand: Hewlett-Packard Category: Multimeters Size: 4 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

159 Pages

Service manual

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

Where can I send my 3478A for repair in the United States?
Most -hp- service offices in the United States are NOT authorized to service and repair 3478A DMM's. Contact your local -hp- sales office for specific information on where to send the instrument for repair.
How do I turn on the 3478A?
To turn on the 3478A, press the line switch and carefully watch the display as the 3478A goes through a complete internal self test. It will then display “SELF TEST OK” or an appropriate error message upon completion of the Self Test.
What is the factory preset HP-IB address for the 3478A?
The factory preset HP-IB address for the 3478A is 237. This address may be easily changed to fit your system needs by means of five switches on the rear panel. The 3478A may also be set for TALK-ONLY in which case the display would indicate: HPIB ADRS.T.O.
What is the purpose of the autozero feature?
The autozero feature is used to correct for small offsets in the DC input amplifier circuitry of the multimeter. With autozero enabled, the 3478A takes two measurements per reading: a “zero” measurement and a measurement of the input voltage. The displayed reading is the algebraic difference between the two measurements.
What does the CAL switch do?
The CAL switch, when rotated so that the slot is vertical, enables the calibration procedure of the 3478A. This switch should not be turned except when qualified service trained personnel are to perform the calibration procedures.
How do I measure current with the 3478A?
To measure current, press the DC Amps key and select the appropriate range (or let the 3478A autorange). When measuring currents, remove all other test leads from the 3478A front panel. There are two ranges available for current measurements: the 300 milliamp range and the 3 amp range.
How do I change the number of digits displayed?
You can change the number of digits displayed by pressing the 3 1/2, 4 1/2, or 5 1/2 digit keys. This not only has a great effect on the reading rate but also affects the Normal Mode Rejection (NMR).

Questions & Answers



How to interpret Figure 2-20 in the 3478A digital multimeter manual?
Please provide a description of the content of Figure 2-20. I will then try to explain it based on my knowledge of the 3478A digital multimeter.


How does autoranging hysteresis prevent frequent range changes?
Autoranging hysteresis prevents rapid range switching by requiring a significant change in the measured value before a range change is triggered.
