Howard Mercury vapor lamp

Manuals and User Guides for Howard Mercury vapor lamp. We found 1 manuals for free downloads Service guide

Below you will find brief information for HID lamps, HPS lamp, Mercury vapor lamp, Metal halide lamp. This guide will help you troubleshoot and solve basic problems relating to HID lamp systems. It includes diagrams, illustrations, and tables to better explain operation and servicing these lamps.

Key Features

  • Troubleshooting and repairing information
  • Diagrams, illustrations, and tables
  • Explains HID lamp operation and servicing
  • Focuses on High Pressure Sodium lamp fixtures
  • Covers mercury vapor, metal halide, and HPS lamps
  • Provides insights into starting circuits, ballasts, and photocontrols
  • Explains causes of cycling ON and OFF of HPS lamps
  • Covers test equipment for servicing HPS lamps and luminaires
  • Offers troubleshooting steps for HPS luminaires in the field
  • Discusses conversion kits from mercury vapor to HPS

Pages: 40 Howard Mercury vapor lamp Service guide

Brand: Howard Category: Lighting Size: 2 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the different types of HID lamps discussed in this guide?
The guide discusses three main types of HID lamps: High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lamps, mercury vapor lamps, and metal halide lamps.
What is the purpose of a ballast in an HID lamp system?
The ballast performs several crucial functions, including providing the correct starting current and voltage, limiting current to the lamp, and providing the correct voltage to stabilize lamp operation.
What is the difference between a mercury vapor and HPS lamp starter?
Mercury vapor and metal halide lamps use a starting electrode within the arc tube, requiring a lower start-up voltage. HPS lamps lack a starting electrode, requiring a higher voltage, which is provided by an external starter.
How does an HPS lamp starter work?
The starter operates like an automotive ignition system, using a capacitor and electronic switch to generate high voltage pulses, which initiate the arc in the lamp.
What are the safety precautions to take when servicing HID lamps?
The guide emphasizes the importance of using proper safety equipment, including high-voltage gloves, eye protection, and a safety belt.
