Manuals and User Guides for KAMA GoCamp. We found 2 manuals for free downloads User manual

The KAMA T55-86A is a color television with a remote control, featuring full integration for digital terrestrial, cable, and satellite TV (DVB-T2/C/S2) allowing access to a wide variety of channels. It includes HDMI inputs for connecting other devices, a USB port for playing multimedia content and recording programs, and a built-in 802.11 a/b/g/n WLAN for wireless connectivity. You can also access additional features like the electronic program guide (EPG), time shifting, and parental controls.

Key Features

  • Color TV with remote
  • Full digital TV (DVB-T2/C/S2)
  • HDMI inputs
  • USB Media Playback
  • USB Recording
  • Built-in Wi-Fi
  • EPG
  • Time Shifting
  • Parental controls

Pages: 131 KAMA GoCamp User manual

Brand: KAMA Size: 5 MB

Languages: English, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish

Open manual

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User manual

Languages: English, Finnish, Norwegian, ...

Frequently Answers and Questions

How many channels can I store on the KAMA T55-86A?
You can store up to 11,000 channels.
Can I connect to the internet with the KAMA T55-86A?
Yes, it supports 802.11 a/b/g/n Wi-Fi for wireless internet connectivity.
Can I record TV shows using the KAMA T55-86A?
Yes, you can record TV shows through the USB port using the time shifting feature.
