KTR DATAFLEX 110/… Torque messuring shaft

Manuals and User Guides for KTR DATAFLEX 110/… Torque messuring shaft. We found 3 manuals for free downloads Manual

KTR DATAFLEX 110/… Torque messuring shaft is a maintenance-free torque measuring shaft designed for precise and reliable measurement. It offers two measuring ranges and integrated speed measurement, making it suitable for various applications. The shaft is designed to be used in combination with the RADEX®-N coupling for a torsionally stiff, double-cardanic coupling. This shaft is equipped with wire strain gauges for contactless signal transmission, and a two-channel shaft encoder provides speed signals. The DATAFLEX® 110/… Torque messuring shaft is compatible with connection housing DF2.

Key Features

  • Maintenance-free
  • Two measuring ranges
  • Integrated speed measurement
  • Torsionally stiff coupling
  • Contactless signal transmission
  • Two-channel shaft encoder

Pages: 28 KTR DATAFLEX 110/… Torque messuring shaft Manual

Brand: KTR Size: 2 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

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28 Pages


Languages: German

28 Pages


Languages: Polish

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the maximum permissible bore diameters for the DATAFLEX® 110/… torque measuring shaft?
The maximum permissible bore diameters D are specified in the technical data section of the manual. These figures should not be exceeded to avoid damage and potential safety hazards.
What displacement figures should be observed for the DATAFLEX® 110/… torque measuring shaft?
The displacement figures specified in table 4 provide for sufficient safety to compensate for external influences. To ensure a long service life of the measuring shaft, the shaft ends have to be accurately aligned. Do not exceed the maximum figures for axial, radial, and angular displacement.
What are the tightening torques for the clamping screws of the RADEX®-N 135 coupling?
The tightening torques for the clamping screws are specified in table 5. Ensure you tighten the screws evenly crosswise and gradually increase the tightening torque for optimal performance and safety.
What are the tightening torques for the dowel screws of the RADEX®-N 135 coupling?
The tightening torques for the dowel screws are specified in table 6. Regularly inspect the tightening torque of the dowel screws during maintenance intervals.
How do I assemble the laminae sets for the RADEX®-N 156 coupling?
Refer to the assembly instructions for the RADEX®-N 156 coupling in the manual. Make sure that the laminae sets are installed free from distortion in axial direction. Ensure all components are superimposed without any gaps and follow the specified tightening procedures for the pressure screws.
