Manuals and User Guides for KTR KTR-STOP S-A-F B-xx. We found 2 manuals for free downloads Manual

KTR KTR-STOP S-A-F B-xx is a hydraulically actuated brake designed for use as a service or emergency stop brake on rotating brake disks. It features a floating caliper design for efficient braking force generation. Learn about its assembly, maintenance, and technical specifications in this comprehensive manual.

Key Features

  • Floating caliper design
  • Hydraulic actuation
  • Service/emergency stop brake
  • Rotating brake disk compatibility
  • Wear sensor option
  • Detailed assembly instructions
  • Maintenance guidelines
  • Technical data and calculations

Pages: 24 KTR KTR-STOP S-A-F B-xx Manual

Brand: KTR Size: 2 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

24 Pages


Languages: German

Frequently Answers and Questions

What types of brake pads are compatible with the KTR-STOP S-A-F B-xx?
This brake system is designed to use asbestos and lead-free brake pads. KTR offers both organic and powder metal brake pads, which can be selected depending on the specific application.
How do I properly vent the hydraulic system after assembly?
The manual details the process of venting the system after assembly. It involves applying pressure to the system, then using a miniature measuring coupling to vent air from the brake. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully.
What type of hydraulic fluid should I use with the KTR-STOP S-A-F B-xx?
Only use mineral hydraulic fluids meeting the specifications of DIN 51524, preferably those matching DIN 51524-3. The manual provides specific recommendations for fluids from various manufacturers.
How do I replace the brake pads?
The manual outlines a step-by-step process for replacing brake pads, including disassembling pad holders, removing retraction sets, and properly re-assembling the brake. It is essential to follow these instructions to ensure safe and effective operation.
