KTR KTR-STOP S-xx B-xx-xx

Manuals and User Guides for KTR KTR-STOP S-xx B-xx-xx. We found 4 manuals for free downloads Manual

KTR KTR-STOP S-xx B-xx-xx is a spring-actuated brake designed for use as a service or emergency stop brake on rotating brake disks. It provides a reliable and efficient means of decelerating or stopping the movement of a plant or keeping it at standstill. The brake features a fixed calliper design and utilizes brake pads to generate braking force. This brake is suitable for various applications requiring a robust braking solution.

Key Features

  • Spring-actuated
  • Fixed calliper design
  • Service/Emergency stop brake
  • Rotating brake disk operation
  • Reliable braking performance
  • Adjustable clamping force
  • Easy assembly and maintenance

Pages: 22 KTR KTR-STOP S-xx B-xx-xx Manual

Brand: KTR Size: 1 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

22 Pages


Languages: English

22 Pages


Languages: German

22 Pages


Languages: German

Frequently Answers and Questions

What type of brake pads are used in the KTR-STOP S-xx B-xx-xx?
The KTR-STOP S-xx B-xx-xx uses brake pads that are free from asbestos and lead. They are available in organic material, powder metal, or a combination of both, depending on the specific application.
How do I vent the brake system?
The brake system needs to be vented before start-up and after each operation. This process removes air from the hydraulic lines. To vent the brake, connect a miniature measuring hose to the venting hole and open the hydraulic system briefly. Repeat this process until a stream of clean oil is discharged from the hose. Ensure sufficient fluid remains in the hydraulic system during and after venting.
What is the recommended operating temperature range for the KTR-STOP S-xx B-xx-xx?
The recommended operating temperature range is from -20 °C to +50 °C. For deviating temperatures, consult with KTR.
