Koganei DTRY-ELB - 1-head, 2-head Type

Manuals and User Guides for Koganei DTRY-ELB - 1-head, 2-head Type. We found 2 manuals for free downloads instruction manual, User guide

Koganei DTRY-ELF02 is a Steady Flow Fan Type ionizer that removes static charges from surfaces by blowing ionized air. This device is ideal for applications where a consistent and concentrated flow of ionized air is required, such as removing static charges from parts on a workbench, packaging films, or printed circuit boards. The device is equipped with louvers that can be adjusted to match the size of the workpiece, making it suitable for various object sizes and shapes.

Key Features

  • Steady Flow Fan Type
  • Adjustable Louvers
  • Ionized Air Blowing
  • Static Charge Removal
  • Wide Coverage

Pages: 1 Koganei DTRY-ELB - 1-head, 2-head Type instruction manual

Brand: Koganei Category: Industrial & lab equipment Size: 665 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

42 Pages

User guide

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the wind speed data for Koganei DTRY-ELF02 when the wide-angle louver is used?
The wind speed data for Koganei DTRY-ELF02 when the wide-angle louver is used can be found in the "Steady Flow Fan Type: Wind Speed Data" section of the viewed document. The data is presented as a grid showing the wind speed at various points around the device, with the wind speed increasing as you move closer to the center of the airflow.
What are the wind speed data for Koganei DTRY-ELF02 when the straight louver is used?
The wind speed data for Koganei DTRY-ELF02 when the straight louver is used can be found in the "Steady Flow Fan Type: Wind Speed Data" section of the viewed document. The data is presented as a grid showing the wind speed at various points around the device. The wind speed is generally higher with the straight louver compared to the wide-angle louver.
How often should I clean the discharging needle of Koganei DTRY-ELF02?
The manual suggests cleaning the discharging needle every 300 to 500 hours of use. However, this may vary based on your application environment and conditions.
