Koganei Ionizer

Manuals and User Guides for Koganei Ionizer. We found 2 manuals for free downloads instruction manual, User guide

The Koganei Ionizer is a blow type ionizer designed to eliminate static electricity from charged objects. It utilizes high voltage to generate ionized air that quickly and effectively neutralizes static charges, reducing dust attraction and contamination. This device is ideal for various applications requiring static control and dust removal.

Key Features

  • High voltage discharge
  • Air-saving option
  • Low-dust option
  • Static elimination time < 0.5 sec
  • Adjustable air blow direction
  • Ozone generation
  • External controls
  • Adjustable discharge needle
  • Filter replacement
  • Clean room packaging

Pages: 2 Koganei Ionizer instruction manual

Brand: Koganei Size: 757 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

42 Pages

User guide

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

How does the Koganei Ionizer work?
The ionizer generates ionized air that neutralizes static charges on objects by attracting oppositely charged ions.
What are the different types of Koganei Ionizers?
The instruction manual describes 'standard', 'air-saving', and 'low-dust' types, each with unique characteristics and applications.
How do I clean the discharge needle?
The discharge needle and surrounding area should be cleaned periodically using a cotton swab soaked in anhydrous alcohol. Follow the instructions in the manual for proper disassembly and reassembly.
