Lode X-Scribe II

Manuals and User Guides for Lode X-Scribe II. We found 1 manuals for free downloads Manual

Below you will find brief information for treadmill Valiant, ECG monitor X-Scribe II. This manual describes how to connect a Lode Valiant treadmill to a Mortara X-Scribe II ECG monitor, allowing for external control of the treadmill during exercise testing. The interface setup involves connecting the devices through an RS-232 cable and configuring the communication protocols and settings. The document highlights the compatibility of the Valiant with the Trackmaster RS232 communication protocol for seamless integration with other devices.

Key Features

  • RS-232 communication
  • Trackmaster RS232 protocol
  • External control of treadmill
  • ECG monitoring
  • Exercise protocol support
  • Speed control in Miles/hour
  • Compatible with other devices
  • Easy setup process

Pages: 4 Lode X-Scribe II Manual

Brand: Lode Category: Signal cables Size: 156 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I connect the Lode Valiant treadmill to the Mortara X-Scribe II ECG monitor?
You will need a RS-232 cable (part no. 930911) to connect the two devices. Connect one end of the cable to the Lode Valiant and the other end to the Mortara X-Scribe II . The document provides instructions on how to connect the cable to both devices.
What communication protocol should I use for the Lode Valiant?
The default setting is LODE RS232, but you should change it to Trackmaster RS232 (#2). The manual gives steps on how to select the Trackmaster protocol.
How do I set up the Mortara X-Scribe II for exercise testing?
The document explains how to select an exercise protocol (e.g. BRUCE) and choose the appropriate equipment setting. You can also select NIBP (non-invasive blood pressure) settings.
