Lufft LDM 30.11H

Manuals and User Guides for Lufft LDM 30.11H. We found 1 manuals for free downloads User manual

Below you will find brief information for Snow Depth Sensor SHM 30, Snow Depth Sensor SHM 30.11, Snow Depth Sensor SHM 30.11H, Snow Depth Sensor SHM 30.21, Snow Depth Sensor SHM 30.21D. This is a manual for the SHM 30 snow depth sensor. The manual consists of eight chapters, each page indicating the chapter title in its headline. The bottom line of each page contains the revision state, date of issue and page number. The SHM 30 provides an identification plate where electrical parameter and single strands from the data cable are described. The standard data interface is RS232. Beside the digital interface output an analog 4 mA - 20 mA current output for snow depth measurements is available.

Key Features

  • Measures snow depth from a distance
  • Uses visible laser light
  • Calculates snow depths automatically
  • Filters unwanted measurement results
  • Operates in automatic and polling mode
  • Analog current output for snow depth
  • Programmable measuring interval
  • RS232/RS422 communication
  • IP65 protection

Pages: 52 Lufft LDM 30.11H User manual

Brand: Lufft Category: Measuring, testing & control Size: 1 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

How does the SHM 30 sensor measure snow depth?
The SHM 30 snow depth sensor emits modulated visible laser light and determines the distance to an object by comparing phase information. To calculate snow depths automatically, the user can first perform a zero level measurement, which is stored as an offset value in the instrument.
How do I configure the SHM 30 sensor?
To configure the instrument, connect the serial interface RS232 or RS422. Any terminal program can be used to set and query data. Standard terminal programs are for example Hyper Terminal or Bray's Terminal. Standard configuration for the COM Port: 9600 Baud, 8N1, Handshake none.
What is the meaning of the different error codes?
Error codes are displayed in the data telegram and indicate a specific problem during measurement. Refer to the table in the manual for details on each error code and its meaning.
