Lyric Lyric

Manuals and User Guides for Lyric Lyric. We found 2 manuals for free downloads User manual

Below you will find brief information for hearing device Lyric. The Lyric hearing device is a 100% invisible extended wear hearing device that is comfortably placed in the ear canal and can be used 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for months. It is designed to be worn until it stops functioning or for a maximum of 120 days. The device also includes a SoundLync adjustment tool that can be used to safely remove the device from the ear in urgent situations.

Key Features

  • 100% invisible
  • Extended wear
  • 24/7 use
  • Comfortable placement
  • Natural sound quality
  • SoundLync adjustment tool

Pages: 14 Lyric Lyric User manual

Brand: Lyric Category: Medical Equipment Size: 1 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

2 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

Can I use headsets or earbuds with Lyric?
External headphones and external hearing protection can be used. Do not use inserted headsets, earbuds, or earplugs, because they may dislodge the device
Will an MRI, X-ray, or CT scan damage Lyric or place my ear at risk?
Lyric must be removed before you have an MRI because it contains metallic parts. Unlike an MRI, an X-ray or CT scan will not damage or dislodge the device. However, you should inform the physician and/or technician about the device.
Can I fly on a plane with Lyric?
Yes. It is safe to fly while wearing Lyric.
Can I swim with Lyric?
Swimming is not recommended. However, Lyric is water-resistant and showering can be done while wearing Lyric.
What happens if I dive underwater or skydive while wearing Lyric?
You should not use Lyric while diving underwater or skydiving. Pressure changes from underwater diving or skydiving may cause discomfort and/or feedback if Lyric moves in the ear canal.
