Manuals and User Guides for MONOPOLY SECRET. We found 1 manuals for free downloads User manual

MONOPOLY SECRET offers a unique and interactive way to play the classic Monopoly game, adding a thrilling element of chance and excitement to your gameplay. Here are some of its key features and possible use cases: 1. Secret Vault: The game includes a plastic vault that holds keys to locked properties. Players can try to open the vault by guessing a code, adding an extra layer of strategy and suspense to the game. 2. Key Collection and Property Acquisition: As players land on certain spaces or complete certain actions, they can earn keys that unlock locked properties on the game board. These properties are unavailable for purchase through traditional means, making them highly sought-after and valuable.

Pages: 2 MONOPOLY SECRET User manual

Brand: MONOPOLY Category: Skill games Size: 37 MB

Languages: English

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Frequently Answers and Questions

How to open the vault?
1. Pick a number; 2. Turn the dial until your chosen number lines up with the button; 3. Press the button.
What happens if I guess the code correctly?
The vault will pop open, allowing you to take what's inside.
What if I guess the code incorrectly?
The vault won't open, and you'll have to try again next time.
What do I do with a Key?
1. Choose one of the locked properties; 2. Place the Key on that board space; 3. Take the property's Title Deed card for free.
How to close the lid and reset the code?
1. Close the lid until it clicks; 2. Press the Reset button 3 times to lock the lid and reset the code to a random number.
Can I buy Hotels from the Bank?
No, you cannot buy Hotels from the Bank. You have to find them in the vault or make a deal with another player to trade them.
How many Hotels can I place on a property?
You may place up to 2 Hotels on a property.
Can I sell Hotels back to the Bank?
No, you cannot sell Hotels back to the Bank.
What are the options if I can't pay?
1. Try to raise money by mortgaging properties; 2. If you're still in debt, you are bankrupt and out of the game!
When does the game end?
The game ends when all properties are owned, including the four locked properties.
How to determine the winner?
1. Collect rent for each property you own; 2. Add up your cash! The player with the most cash wins!
Is there another way to play the game?
Yes, you can play until one player goes bankrupt. Then all other players collect rent for each of their properties. The player with the most cash wins!
