Man & Machine Simply Cool

Manuals and User Guides for Man & Machine Simply Cool. We found 1 manuals for free downloads User manual

Below you will find brief information for keyboard Simply Cool. The Simply Cool keyboard is a full-size, water-resistant and contaminant proof keyboard with tactile feedback keys. The Simply Cool is value priced for industrial, marine, and medical use, as well as other applications where moisture and cleaning are a consideration. Because the Simply Cool is also quieter than "standard" keyboards, they are great for applications where noise generated from "key-clicks" is a problem. The Simply Cool is compatible with standard keyboard layouts and drivers are not needed.

Key Features

  • Water-resistant
  • Contaminant proof
  • Tactile feedback keys
  • Quiet operation
  • Compatible with standard keyboard layouts
  • USB interface
  • One year warranty

Pages: 1 Man & Machine Simply Cool User manual

Brand: Man & Machine Category: Keyboards Size: 66 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I clean my Simply Cool keyboard?
To clean your Simply Cool keyboard, you can wipe it with a dry cloth, spray or dip it in cleaning solution, or allow it to air dry. Make sure to avoid placing the USB or PS/2 connector into any liquid.
What type of cleaning solution is safe to use on my Simply Cool keyboard?
You can use chlorine-based, formaldehyde-based, glutaraldehyde-based, phenol-based, alcohol-based, oxidizing, quaternary ammonium-based, or soap and water cleaning solutions.
What type of cleaning solution is not safe to use on my Simply Cool keyboard?
Avoid using petroleum-based cleaning fluids, acetone, bleach solutions over 10%, temperature or pressure sterilization, buffing pads, or scrubbing pads.
What are the system requirements for the Simply Cool keyboard?
The Simply Cool keyboard requires a USB interface and is not compatible with PS/2.
How do I install my Simply Cool keyboard?
To install your Simply Cool keyboard, simply attach the keyboard cable to a USB computer port. You do not need to turn off your computer and there is no software to install.
