Masterflex MFLX07522-38

Manuals and User Guides for Masterflex MFLX07522-38. We found 7 manuals for free downloads Owner's manual

Masterflex L/S Series dispensing pump drives are designed for precise fluid control. They offer versatile applications, including dispensing, filling, and metering liquids. These drives feature digital control for accurate flow rate settings and user-friendly operation. The L/S Series can be configured with various pump heads and tubing sizes to handle a wide range of fluids and applications.

Key Features

  • Digital Control
  • Accurate Flow Rate
  • Versatile Applications
  • User-Friendly
  • Configurable Pump Heads
  • Tubing Size Options

Pages: 70 Masterflex MFLX07522-38 Owner's manual

Brand: Masterflex Category: Electrical equipment & supplies Size: 840 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

8 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: English

70 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: Italian

70 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: German

70 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: Spanish

70 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: Japanese

70 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: Chinese

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the maximum flow rate for the Masterflex L/S Series pump drives?
The maximum flow rate varies depending on the model. The L/S Standard Digital Drive 07522-20 has a range of 0.1 to 600 rpm, while the 07522-30 model operates from 0.02 to 100 rpm. Refer to the L/S Series Quick Start Manual for specific model details and flow rate information.
Can I use the Masterflex L/S Series pump drive for hazardous liquids?
The L/S Series Quick Start Manual explicitly states that this product is not intended for use with hazardous or flammable liquids. Consult the factory for appropriate products for such applications.
What is the purpose of the tubing size setting on the L/S Series pump drive?
The tubing size setting allows you to calibrate the pump for the specific diameter of the tubing you are using. This ensures accurate and consistent fluid delivery. The manual provides detailed instructions on how to select the correct tubing size and calibrate the pump.
