Mitsubishi Electric EX51U

Manuals and User Guides for Mitsubishi Electric EX51U. We found 8 manuals for free downloads instruction manual, User manual, Specification, Manual

Below you will find brief information for projector XD520U, projector XD510U, projector XD500U, projector SD510U, projector EX51U, projector XD500U-ST. This document describes how to control the projector using a personal computer with RS-232C. It includes information on connecting the computer, sending commands, and reading the current status of the projector. The document also provides descriptions for various functions such as power on/off, input selection, volume control, and menu settings.

Key Features

  • RS-232C control
  • Power on/off control
  • Input selection control
  • Volume control
  • Menu settings control
  • Status reading
  • Password lock control
  • Remote control

Pages: 6 Mitsubishi Electric EX51U instruction manual

Brand: Mitsubishi Electric Category: Data projectors Size: 116 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

6 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

2 Pages


Languages: English

6 Pages


Languages: English

6 Pages


Languages: English

6 Pages


Languages: English

6 Pages


Languages: English

34 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I connect my computer to the projector?
You need to connect a personal computer with RS-232C. Make sure both the computer and projector are turned off before connection. Boot up the computer first, then connect the power cord to the projector. You may need adapters depending on the PC you are connecting.
What are the basic operation commands for the projector?
Basic operation commands include power on/off, input selection (computer1, computer2, video, s-video), volume, keystone, mute, and remote control.
How can I check the currently selected input terminal?
Send the command '30 30 76 49 0D' to the projector. It will respond with the currently selected terminal code. For example, '30 30 76 49 76 31 0D' means VIDEO is currently selected.
How can I set the AUTO POWER ON feature?
Send the command '30 30 41 50 4F 4E 31 0D' to the projector. It will respond with the same command, confirming that the AUTO POWER ON is now set to ON.
What is the process for enabling or disabling the password lock?
You can enable or disable the password lock with commands that include a 4 to 8-digit password comprised of figures 1 to 4. For example, to enable the password lock for DISPLAY INPUT with the password '123412,' send the command '30 30 50 53 4C 4F 43 4B 31 31 32 33 34 31 32 0D'. This will prompt the projector to respond with '30 30 50 53 4C 4F 43 4B 31 31 32 33 34 31 32 31 0D', confirming successful enabling of the lock.
