National Geographic 9130200

Manuals and User Guides for National Geographic 9130200. We found 3 manuals for free downloads Owner's manual

National Geographic 9130200 is a detailed experiment set with which children from 8 years of age can learn in an exciting and playful way how the forces of nature work in volcanoes. Children can understand everything about volcanoes, from the structure of the Earth to the different types of volcanic eruptions and volcanic rocks. The set includes detailed instructions for 10 different experiments with plaster, sand, vinegar and food coloring. In addition, there is a 24-page booklet with background information on volcanology and exciting experiments and tips.

Key Features

  • Suitable for children from 8 years of age
  • 10 different experiments with plaster, sand, vinegar and food coloring
  • 24-page booklet with background information on volcanology and exciting experiments and tips
  • Detailed instructions for each experiment
  • Includes all necessary materials
  • Safe and easy to use

Pages: 32 National Geographic 9130200 Owner's manual

Brand: National Geographic Category: Children science kits Size: 7 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

32 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: German

32 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: Spanish

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the recommended age range for this product?
8 years and up
What types of experiments are included in the set?
10 different experiments with plaster, sand, vinegar and food coloring
Does the set include all the necessary materials?
Yes, the set includes all the necessary materials
Is the product safe and easy to use?
Yes, the product is safe and easy to use
