Newport Brass 1-594

Manuals and User Guides for Newport Brass 1-594. We found 4 manuals for free downloads Installation instructions, Specification, Manual

Below you will find brief information for Pressure Balancing Valve 1-594, Pressure Balancing Valve 1-595. This document provides instructions for proper installation and operation of the Tempress Pressure Balancing Valve. It covers topics like standard and back-to-back installations, setting the temperature limit stop, troubleshooting common issues, and ensuring safe and reliable operation.

Key Features

  • Pressure balancing cartridge
  • Anti-scald design
  • Built-in check valves
  • Temperature limit stop
  • Adjustable handle position
  • Easy to install
  • Detailed troubleshooting guide

Pages: 4 Newport Brass 1-594 Installation instructions

Brand: Newport Brass Category: Sanitary ware Size: 450 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

4 Pages

Installation instructions

Languages: English

2 Pages


Languages: English

4 Pages


Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I set the temperature limit stop on the Tempress pressure balancing valve?
Follow the instructions on "Setting the Temperature Limit Stop" in the manual. You'll need to remove the trim, broach, and limit stop. Rotate the cartridge stem to the desired temperature and reinstall the components.
What should I do if the valve drips after shutting off the water?
This is usually caused by residual water in the valve and piping. Allow 3-8 minutes for the water to drain. If it continues to drip, check the mechanical stop setting and the O-ring seal on the cartridge inlet for any damage.
What are the minimum and maximum operating pressures for the Tempress pressure balancing valve?
The minimum operating pressure is 20 psi (140 kPa), and the maximum operating pressure is 125 psi (860 kPa).
What should I do if the diverter won't stay on during a shower?
This could be a result of insufficient backpressure or a restricted showerhead. Verify the flow restrictor at the showerhead is 2.5 GPM. If not, replace it. Also, ensure that all service stops for hot and cold water are fully open and pressurized.
