Oakley Sound Systems 3U Oakley Modular Series Overdrive

Manuals and User Guides for Oakley Sound Systems 3U Oakley Modular Series Overdrive. We found 1 manuals for free downloads Manual

Below you will find brief information for Overdrive 3U Oakley Modular Overdrive. This simple but effective waveform modifier module has two basic modes selected by a switch: hard clipping, useful for grunging up your signal, and soft clipping, producing a clean sounding overdriven amp sound. The module has three front panel pots: Gain controls the overall gain, Timbre is an effective EQ control, and Mix Out is a wet/dry mix control. The Overdrive module is designed to be used with a filter, especially one set to high resonance. The filter will select certain harmonics and the overdrive module will accentuate these further. Overdriving a filter with high resonance can create a classic synth sound similar to the Moog Prodigy sync sound.

Key Features

  • Hard and soft clipping modes
  • Three front panel controls: Gain, Timbre, and Mix Out
  • Designed for use with filters
  • Creates vintage synth sounds similar to the Moog Prodigy sync sound

Pages: 16 Oakley Sound Systems 3U Oakley Modular Series Overdrive Manual

Brand: Oakley Sound Systems Category: Audio mixers Size: 318 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are hard and soft clipping?
Hard clipping produces a more distorted, grungy sound, while soft clipping produces a more subtle, clean overdriven amp sound.
How do I use the Overdrive module with a filter?
Use the Overdrive module after a filter, especially one set to high resonance. The filter will select certain harmonics and the overdrive module will accentuate these further.
What kind of sounds can I create with the Overdrive module?
You can create a variety of sounds with the Overdrive module, from classic synth sounds to more subtle overdriven effects.
What is the best way to test the Overdrive module?
Use a triangle wave output from a VCO. Start with the TIMBRE pot set to its middle position, the gain pot at its lowest and the BALANCE pot to DRY. Set the switch to OVERDRIVE. If you listen to the output signal you should hear just the triangle wave. Now rotate the BALANCE pot and you should hear the sound becoming brighter. Now turn up the GAIN and listen as the sound gets both louder and brighter still. Change the switch to DISTORTION and the sound gets louder still and more harsh.
