Omron OMNUC U R88M-UE10030V-S1

Manuals and User Guides for Omron OMNUC U R88M-UE10030V-S1. We found 1 manuals for free downloads User's manual

Below you will find brief information for AC servo driver OMNUC U R88D-UEP04V, AC servo driver OMNUC U R88D-UEP08V, AC servo driver OMNUC U R88D-UEP10W, AC servo driver OMNUC U R88D-UEP12V, AC servo driver OMNUC U R88D-UEP12W, AC servo driver OMNUC U R88D-UEP15W. OMNUC U Series AC Servo Drivers are fully software-controlled and provide high performance, a sensitive man-machine interface, and economy. This document describes how to set the parameters for the OMNUC U servo system, perform trial operation, and make adjustments.

Key Features

  • High performance
  • Sensitive man-machine interface
  • Economy
  • Auto-tuning
  • Monitor
  • Jog Operation
  • Electronic Gear Function
  • Pulse Smoothing Function
  • Reverse Mode
  • Brake Interlock Output

Pages: 171 Omron OMNUC U R88M-UE10030V-S1 User's manual

Brand: Omron Category: Electrical equipment & supplies Size: 1 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the available motor output capacities?
200/230-VAC (170 to 253 V) single-phase, 50/60-Hz Input: 100 W, 200 W, 400 W, and 750 W 100/115-VAC (85 to 127 V) single-phase, 50/60-Hz Input: 100 W, 200 W, and 300 W
What is the electronic gear function?
The number of pulses used to rotate the motor is calculated by multiplying the number of command pulses by the electronic gear ratio.
How can I perform parameter setting, speed and current monitoring, I/O monitoring, auto-tuning, and jog operations from a personal computer?
Use the special Servo Driver Communications Software.
What is the purpose of the auto-tuning feature?
The auto-tuning feature automatically finds the optimum adjustment to match the load, with no need for difficult operations.
What kind of pulse trains can be selected for control?
Forward/reverse pulses, feed pulses/directional signals, or 90 differential phase (A/B phases) signals.
