PICO PicoScope 2104

Manuals and User Guides for PICO PicoScope 2104. We found 18 manuals for free downloads Data Sheet, User Guide, Manual, User manual

PICO PicoScope 2104 is a versatile and portable oscilloscope that packs a range of features for various testing and troubleshooting tasks. With its 10 MHz bandwidth and 8-bit vertical resolution, it's ideal for capturing and analyzing voltage waveforms. Whether you're a hobbyist, student, or professional, this oscilloscope offers a user-friendly interface and comprehensive software for in-depth analysis. Use it as an oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, or voltmeter, and take advantage of its automatic measurements, trigger settings, and waveform storage capabilities.

Key Features

  • Flexible timebase and voltage range control
  • Multiple trigger modes and options
  • Zoom and scroll for detailed signal analysis
  • Automatic and ruler based measurements
  • Customizable channel options and probes
  • Multiple viewports for simultaneous analysis

Pages: 2 PICO PicoScope 2104 Data Sheet

Brand: PICO Category: Measuring, testing & control Size: 513 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

140 Pages

User Guide

Languages: English

68 Pages


Languages: English

6 Pages


Languages: English

185 Pages


Languages: English

4 Pages


Languages: English

18 Pages

User Guide

Languages: English

227 Pages

User Guide

Languages: English

2 Pages

Data Sheet

Languages: Italian

2 Pages

Data Sheet

Languages: Spanish

2 Pages

Data Sheet

Languages: German

2 Pages

Data Sheet

Languages: Japanese, Chinese

18 Pages

User Guide

Languages: Italian

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the main components of the PicoScope 6 window?
The PicoScope 6 window has three main components: the Menu bar, toolbars, and the signal view.
How can I zoom in on a specific area of a waveform?
You can use the Window zoom tool by drawing a box around the area you want to zoom into or the zoom in/out buttons for selected point zoom.
What is the purpose of the pre-trigger setting?
The pre-trigger setting allows you to see the signal that occurred before the trigger event, which is useful for understanding the cause of the trigger.
How can i save waveform data?
Waveforms can be saved in several formats from the File menu, including psdata for full data and settings, and pssettings for settings only.
