Paia 9748

Manuals and User Guides for Paia 9748. We found 2 manuals for free downloads Owner's manual

The Paia 9748 Balanced Modulator is a second-generation processing element for modular sound synthesizers, designed to produce unique audio effects. It accepts audio signals as inputs and outputs them with added frequencies, creating rich, complex tones reminiscent of bells and chimes. The module's features include separate controls for Carrier and Modulation Null, allowing for fine-tuning and distortion options for a wide range of input signals.

Key Features

  • Audio signal processing
  • Frequency sums/differences
  • Bell/chime effects
  • Modulation Null controls
  • Modular synthesizer compatibility

Pages: 12 Paia 9748 Owner's manual

Brand: Paia Size: 201 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

2 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

What type of tones can I create with the 9748?
The 9748 generates complex tones characteristic of bells and chimes by combining the input signals and creating new frequencies. You can also experiment with frequency doubling or emulating de-tuned shortwave radio or robotic voice effects.
How do I adjust the level of the output signal?
The 9748 has two potentiometers, labeled P1 and P2, that adjust the 'Carrier Null' and 'Modulation Null', respectively. These controls allow you to fine-tune the output and create interesting distortions.
What kind of power supply does the 9748 require?
The 9748 needs a four-circuit, dual-polarity DC power supply. It's compatible with PAiA 977x series supplies at 15v or more. Make sure to connect the (+) to positive DC, (-) to negative DC, (G) to power ground, and (SG) to signal ground.
