Painless Adjustable Fan Thermostat

Manuals and User Guides for Painless Adjustable Fan Thermostat. We found 2 manuals for free downloads Instructions

Painless Adjustable Fan Thermostat is a device that allows you to control the temperature of your vehicle's fan. The thermostat has a built-in relay that can handle up to 30 amps, making it suitable for use with most fans. The thermostat also has a knob that allows you to adjust the temperature at which the fan turns on. This allows you to customize the operation of the fan to meet your specific needs.

Key Features

  • Controls the temperature of your vehicle's fan
  • Built-in relay that can handle up to 30 amps
  • Adjustable temperature setting
  • Easy to install
  • Comes with a lifetime warranty

Pages: 3 Painless Adjustable Fan Thermostat Instructions

Brand: Painless Category: Motor vehicle electronics Size: 150 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

3 Pages


Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

Where should I mount the thermostat/relay assembly?
Mount the thermostat/relay assembly under the hood in a convenient location as close to the fan as possible.
How do I insert the thermostat probe into the radiator fins?
Take the thermostat probe and insert it into the radiator fins carefully as not to damage the radiator core.
How do I connect the thermostat/relay assembly to the fan?
Route and connect the shorter Red wire to the fan '+' Terminal or power wire coming from the fan motor.
How do I test the thermostat/relay assembly for proper operation?
When the knob is turned all the way counter clockwise the thermostat connects the two gray/white wires and the fan should come on when the ignition switch is turned on.
