Panasonic KX-NCP 500

Manuals and User Guides for Panasonic KX-NCP 500. We found 22 manuals for free downloads Manual, User manual, Getting Started, Operating manual, Installation manual

Below you will find brief information for IP-PBX KX-NCP500, IP-PBX KX-NCP1000. The KX-NCP500 and KX-NCP1000 Pure IP-PBX support Panasonic KX-NT series IP proprietary telephones (IP-PTs), Panasonic IP softphones, and SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) Extensions (hardphones and softphones) for communication on a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) network. These IP telephones can be used as extensions of the PBX when the local office LAN is connected to other LANs at different locations.

Key Features

  • Supports Panasonic KX-NT series IP proprietary telephones (IP-PTs)
  • Supports Panasonic IP softphones
  • Supports SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) Extensions (hardphones and softphones)
  • Supports VoIP communication
  • Supports communication with PBXs installed at different locations
  • Provides high speech quality

Pages: 96 Panasonic KX-NCP 500 Manual

Brand: Panasonic Category: Call management system Size: 1 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

100 Pages


Languages: English

282 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

248 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

376 Pages


Languages: English

860 Pages


Languages: English

1016 Pages


Languages: English

860 Pages


Languages: English

110 Pages


Languages: English

64 Pages

Getting Started

Languages: English

282 Pages

User manual

Languages: English

410 Pages


Languages: English

236 Pages

Operating manual

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is a Pure IP-PBX?
A Pure IP-PBX is a type of PBX that uses Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology for communication. This means that instead of using traditional telephone lines, it uses the internet to connect calls.
What are the benefits of using a Pure IP-PBX?
There are many benefits to using a Pure IP-PBX, including lower costs for long distance calls, better scalability, and the ability to integrate with other business applications.
How do I connect my IP telephones to the Pure IP-PBX?
You will need to connect your IP telephones to the LAN, and then configure the network settings on both the IP telephones and the PBX. Refer to the IP Networking Guide for detailed instructions.
