Pettersson Elektronik AB D 100

Manuals and User Guides for Pettersson Elektronik AB D 100. We found 1 manuals for free downloads User manual

Below you will find brief information for Ultrasound detector D 100. The D 100 is a user-friendly device designed to transform ultrasonic sounds (in the range of 10-120 kHz) into audible sounds. This makes it ideal for observing bats, rodents, and other creatures that emit ultrasound. The detector offers features like frequency control, a built-in speaker, and headphone jack for capturing and analyzing these sounds. The D 100 is designed to be used in various situations, including studying bioacoustic ultrasound, detecting leaks in pressurized systems, and identifying ultrasonic intruder systems.

Key Features

  • Transformed sounds to audio
  • Frequency range 10-120 kHz
  • Built-in loudspeaker and headphone jack
  • Frequency control
  • Tape recorder output
  • Detects ultrasonic sounds
  • Wide range of applications

Pages: 2 Pettersson Elektronik AB D 100 User manual

Brand: Pettersson Elektronik AB Category: Camera accessories Size: 45 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the power source for the D 100?
The detector runs on a single 9V battery. An alkaline battery provides approximately 30 hours of use.
How do I test the D 100?
To test the D 100, set the volume control to a medium level and the frequency control to around 20 kHz. Then, gently snap your fingers near the microphones (at the front of the detector). You should hear a scraping sound in the loudspeaker.
What is the heterodyne principle?
The heterodyne principle converts ultrasound into audible sound by selecting a limited frequency range and transforming it into the audible range. For example, if the frequency control is set to 30 kHz, the range from approximately 25 to 35 kHz will be transformed.
How do I use the TAPE output?
The TAPE output provides both the transformed audio signal and the original high-frequency signal. This allows you to record spoken comments onto the tape recorder while recording the ultrasonic sounds.
What is the purpose of the PHONES socket?
The PHONES socket is used to connect a set of stereo headphones with a 3.5 mm plug. When headphones are connected, the internal loudspeaker will automatically turn off.
