Pioneer A-307R

Manuals and User Guides for Pioneer A-307R. We found 6 manuals for free downloads Operating instructions, User manual, instruction manual, Owner's manual, User's manual

The Pioneer A-307R stereo amplifier is a compact and powerful amplifier that delivers up to 80W + 80W of power per channel. This amplifier features Direct Energy MOS power amp circuitry with HEX power MOS FET devices, Wide Range Linear Circuit technology, and a silent microprocessor system. The A-307R also includes a variety of features for easy operation, such as a remote control, tone controls, and a headphone jack.

Key Features

  • Direct Energy MOS power amp circuitry
  • Wide Range Linear Circuit technology
  • Silent microprocessor system
  • 80W + 80W/4 Ω (DIN) power output
  • Remote control
  • Tone controls
  • Headphone jack

Other manuals and documents

12 Pages

User manual

Languages: Russian

12 Pages

instruction manual

Languages: German

56 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: Spanish, French, Italian, ...

56 Pages

User's manual

Languages: Spanish, French, Italian, ...

68 Pages

Owner's manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the power output of the A-307R?
The Pioneer A-307R stereo amplifier has a continuous power output of 80 W + 80 W/4 Ω (DIN).
What are the key features of the A-307R?
The A-307R features Direct Energy MOS power amp circuitry with HEX power MOS FET devices, Wide-Range Linear Circuit technology, a silent microprocessor system, and low power consumption design.
What is the purpose of the Direct button on the A-307R?
The Direct button allows you to bypass the tone controls and other frequency adjusting circuits, resulting in a flat, pure sound reproduction.
