PixController DSC P32

Manuals and User Guides for PixController DSC P32. We found 1 manuals for free downloads Instructions

Below you will find brief information for digital camera DSC-P32. This document describes how to modify the digital camera DSC-P32 so that either the PixController Universal or PixController LE, or PixController RSS-Sony board can control the shutter remotely. It describes the steps involved to make these modifications and the tools needed for this process.

Key Features

  • Remote shutter control
  • PixController Universal board compatibility
  • PixController LE board compatibility
  • PixController RSS-Sony board compatibility
  • Warranty void after modifications
  • Potential camera damage if instructions not followed

Pages: 8 PixController DSC P32 Instructions

Brand: PixController Category: Cameras & camcorders Size: 757 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the purpose of this document?
This document provides instructions on how to modify a Sony DSC-P32 digital camera to enable remote shutter control using PixController boards.
What boards can be used for remote control?
The PixController Universal, PixController LE, and PixController RSS-Sony boards can be used to control the camera's shutter remotely.
What are the risks associated with modifying the camera?
Modifying the camera will void its warranty and can damage the camera if the instructions are not followed properly.
