Qiagen RNeasy Plus Universal Mini

Manuals and User Guides for Qiagen RNeasy Plus Universal Mini. We found 1 manuals for free downloads User manual

RNeasy Plus Universal Mini and Midi Kits are designed for the purification of high-quality RNA from various tissue types such as liver, brain, and adipose tissue. The kits provide efficient lysis and remove genomic DNA contamination, making them ideal for researchers studying gene expression and other RNA-based applications.

Key Features

  • Removes genomic DNA contamination
  • High-quality total RNA purification
  • Efficient lysis of all tissue types
  • Easy-to-follow protocol
  • Suitable for various downstream applications

Pages: 44 Qiagen RNeasy Plus Universal Mini User manual

Brand: Qiagen Category: Medical Equipment Size: 685 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the maximum amount of tissue that can be processed with the RNeasy Plus Universal Mini Kit?
The RNeasy Plus Universal Mini Kit can process up to 50 mg of tissue, or up to 100 mg of brain or adipose tissue per spin column. For tissues with high RNA content such as liver, spleen, and thymus, it’s recommended to use no more than 30 mg to ensure optimal yields and avoid exceeding the binding capacity of the spin column.
What is the difference between the RNeasy Plus Universal Mini Kit and the Midi Kit?
The RNeasy Plus Universal Mini Kit is designed for smaller sample volumes and can process up to 50 mg of tissue, while the Midi Kit is designed for larger sample volumes up to 250 mg. The Mini Kit uses RNeasy Mini spin columns, while the Midi Kit uses RNeasy Midi spin columns.
What are the recommended procedures for storing tissue samples before RNA purification?
To preserve RNA integrity, tissue samples should be immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -70°C or immersed in RNAlater RNA Stabilization Reagent or Allprotect Tissue Reagent at room temperature. It is important to work quickly and prevent thawing of frozen samples during handling.
Why is homogenization important for RNA purification?
Homogenization is crucial for disrupting cell membranes, releasing RNA, and reducing the viscosity of the lysate. It also helps shear high-molecular-weight genomic DNA, creating a homogeneous lysate that allows for efficient RNA binding to the RNeasy spin column membrane.
Is DNase treatment necessary when using the RNeasy Plus Universal Kits?
Generally, DNase treatment is not required since the integrated QIAzol, gDNA Eliminator Solution, and RNeasy technologies effectively remove most genomic DNA contamination. However, for specific downstream applications like real-time two-step RT-PCR, further DNA removal can be achieved with the QuantiTect Reverse Transcription Kit.
