Manuals and User Guides for Qsan XEVO. We found 3 manuals for free downloads Manual
Qsan XEVO is a flash-based storage management system designed for simplified content management and hybrid storage. It offers advanced features like SSD caching, auto-tiering, and data protection for a range of workloads, ensuring high availability and optimized performance.
Key Features
- Flash-based storage
- Hybrid storage support
- SSD cache and auto tiering
- Data protection features
- Snapshot and replication capabilities
- Performance analysis tools
- System health monitoring
- Management USB LCM
- Web UI interface
- QSLife drive analysis
Other manuals and documents
Frequently Answers and Questions
What is the default management IP address for XEVO?
The default setting is DHCP. To discover the system, you can use the XFinder Java utility.
How can I change the preferred controller of a storage pool?
You can use the 'Change Preferred Controller' option in the Pool details section.
What are the disk write cache and read-ahead options used for?
Enabling the disk write cache improves write performance but might risk data during power failures. The disk read-ahead feature preloads data to the buffer for faster sequential data retrieval.
How can I access the management USB LCM?
Plug the USB LCM into the USB port on the front panel. The LCD will display the management port IP address and system model name.
What does QSLife do?
QSLife is a drive analysis tool that uses QSAN's native SSD technology to monitor the health and activity of drives.