Qsan XF3126, XF2026

Manuals and User Guides for Qsan XF3126, XF2026. We found 3 manuals for free downloads User guide

Qsan XF3126, XF2026 are flash storage systems designed for businesses of all sizes. These systems are built with advanced flash architecture, including SATA, SAS, and NVMe options, to deliver exceptional performance and data experience. The XF3126 and XF2026 models offer high IOPS and low latency, making them ideal for applications requiring high-speed data access, such as virtualization, database management, and online transactions. They also feature a modern, simplified interface and a high-availability architecture with redundant components, ensuring reliable performance and eliminating single points of failure.

Key Features

  • Native All-Flash Storage
  • Dual-Active Design
  • High-Speed Connectivity
  • High IOPS & Low Latency
  • Modern Simplicity
  • High Availability
  • QSAN XEVO Management
  • VDI, Virtualization, Database, Online Transaction, Media Editing Support

Pages: 2 Qsan XF3126, XF2026 User guide

Brand: Qsan Category: Server barebones Size: 751 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

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2 Pages

User guide

Languages: Chinese

2 Pages

User guide

Languages: Chinese

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the key benefits of Qsan XF3126, XF2026?
The key benefits include high performance, high availability, modern simplicity, and support for diverse critical workloads like VDI, virtualization, databases, online transactions, and media editing. The XF3126 and XF2026 offer a modern, simplified user experience, and their high-availability design eliminates single points of failure.
What types of flash architecture does the XF3126, XF2026 support?
The XF3126 and XF2026 support native SATA, SAS, and NVMe flash architecture, offering flexibility to cater to different performance needs.
What kind of management system do the XF3126, XF2026 use?
The XF3126 and XF2026 utilize QSAN XEVO, a flash-based storage management system that offers an intuitive user interface and advanced tools for real-time monitoring and management.
