Qsan XSx200

Manuals and User Guides for Qsan XSx200. We found 6 manuals for free downloads User guide, Quick Installation Guide

Qsan XSx200 is a high-performance SAN storage system with dual-active controllers, designed for high availability and scalability. It leverages 5th generation Intel® processors for maximum performance. With a massive storage capacity of over 6.7PB, XSx200 is ideal for demanding business applications. Choose from various models with different drive bays, memory options, and connectivity choices, including 10GbE iSCSI and Fibre Channel. The XSx200 is equipped with QSAN SANOS 4.0 operating system offering advanced features like thin provisioning, SSD cache, auto-tiering, snapshot, local volume clone, and remote replication.

Key Features

  • Dual-Active Controllers
  • High Availability
  • 5th Gen Intel® Processor
  • 6.7PB Raw Storage Capacity
  • QSAN SANOS 4.0
  • Thin Provisioning
  • SSD Cache
  • Auto Tiering
  • Snapshot
  • Local Volume Clone

Pages: 2 Qsan XSx200 User guide

Brand: Qsan Size: 680 KB

Languages: English

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Quick Installation Guide

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Languages: Vietnamese, Chinese

4 Pages

Quick Installation Guide

Languages: Chinese

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the main features of the QSAN XSx200?
The QSAN XSx200 provides features like dual-active controllers for high availability, 5th generation Intel® processors for performance, and a variety of drive bay options, memory, and connectivity choices. It runs on QSAN SANOS 4.0 operating system with advanced features such as thin provisioning, SSD cache, auto-tiering, snapshot, local volume clone, and remote replication.
How much storage capacity does the XSx200 offer?
The XSx200 supports a raw storage capacity of over 6.7PB. The exact capacity will vary depending on the chosen model and drive configuration.
What types of connectivity options are available on the XSx200?
The XSx200 offers 10GbE iSCSI and Fibre Channel connectivity depending on the selected model. You can choose the best option for your storage needs.
What are thin provisioning, SSD cache, and auto-tiering?
Thin provisioning allows efficient use of storage by allocating space dynamically based on actual usage. SSD cache accelerates performance by using SSD drives for frequently accessed data. Auto-tiering automatically places data on the most appropriate storage tier for optimal performance and cost efficiency.
