Radionics D8670T Microwave/PIR Intrusion Detector

Manuals and User Guides for Radionics D8670T Microwave/PIR Intrusion Detector. We found 1 manuals for free downloads Installation instructions

Below you will find brief information for intrusion detector D8670T Microwave/PIR Intrusion Detector. The D8670T is a dual-technology intrusion detector that uses both microwave and PIR (Passive Infrared) technology to detect intruders. Its POPIT interface allows the detector to be integrated into the Radionics control panel.

Key Features

  • Dual technology (microwave and PIR)
  • POPIT interface
  • Adjustable coverage pattern
  • Anti-masking feature
  • Motion monitor supervision
  • Tri-color LED for status indication
  • Tamper switch
  • Adjustable sensitivity
  • Optional long-range lens

Pages: 4 Radionics D8670T Microwave/PIR Intrusion Detector Installation instructions

Brand: Radionics Category: Motion detectors Size: 45 KB

Languages: English

Open manual

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I install the D8670T?
The D8670T should be installed in a location that is likely to intercept an intruder moving across the coverage pattern. The surface should be solid and vibration free. The mounting height range is 6 to 8 ft (1.8 to 2.5 m), with the recommended height being 6.5 ft (2 m).
What are the different coverage patterns available for the D8670T?
The D8670T offers two coverage patterns: Standard Broad and Long Range. The Standard Broad pattern provides a 70 ft by 70 ft (21.4 m by 21.4 m) coverage area, while the Long Range pattern provides a 100 ft by 10 ft (31 m by 3.1 m) coverage area. The Long Range lens is optional and can be added to the detector to increase the coverage area.
How do I adjust the sensitivity of the D8670T?
The sensitivity of the D8670T can be adjusted using the PIR Sensitivity Selection Pins. The Standard sensitivity setting is recommended for maximum false alarm immunity, while the Intermediate sensitivity setting is recommended for locations where an intruder is expected to cover only a small portion of the protected area.
How do I test the D8670T after installation?
After installation, you should perform a walk test to ensure the detector is working correctly. Walk test the unit from all directions to determine the detection pattern boundaries. Observe the tri-color LED to see if it activates when you walk through the coverage area. If the LED is not flashing, it may indicate a problem with the detection system. Make sure the LED is OFF before walk testing and make sure the cover is on.
