RigExpert AA-1000

Manuals and User Guides for RigExpert AA-1000. We found 2 manuals for free downloads User manual

RigExpert AA-1000 is a powerful antenna analyzer designed for testing, checking, tuning, or repairing antennas and antenna feedlines. It offers a variety of measurement modes, including SWR, R, X, and Smith/polar chart displays, making it a valuable tool for professionals and hobbyists. Its unique MultiSWR™ and SWR2Air™ modes, as well as a built-in TDR (Time Domain Reflectometer) for locating cable faults, set it apart from other antenna analyzers. The AA-1000 operates from 0.1 to 1000 MHz, making it suitable for testing a wide range of antennas.

Key Features

  • Frequency range: 0.1 to 1000 MHz
  • MultiSWR™ and SWR2Air™ modes
  • TDR (Time Domain Reflectometer) mode
  • SWR, R, X, Smith/polar chart displays
  • USB connection for computer control
  • Optional open-short-load calibration

Pages: 40 RigExpert AA-1000 User manual

Brand: RigExpert Category: Measuring, testing & control Size: 1 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

40 Pages

User manual

Languages: Japanese

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the different measurement modes available on the AA-1000?
The AA-1000 offers several measurement modes, including SWR, SWR2Air, MultiSWR, Show all, SWR graph, R,X graph, Smith/polar chart, and TDR. Each mode provides different information about the antenna or feedline being tested.
Can I use the AA-1000 to measure cable length?
Yes, you can measure cable length by identifying resonant frequencies of the cable in the R,X graph mode. Knowing the resonant frequency and velocity factor of the cable will allow you to calculate its length.
How do I use the TDR mode to locate cable faults?
The TDR mode sends a pulse down the cable, which is reflected back when it encounters a discontinuity. By analyzing the time it takes for the reflected pulse to return, you can determine the location of the fault in the cable.
