Roland SH 09

Manuals and User Guides for Roland SH 09. We found 2 manuals for free downloads Owner's manual

The Roland SH-09 Synthesizer is a compact lead synthesizer designed to offer the musician uncompromised sound, performance flexibility and durability at a moderate price. The SH-09's exceptional quality combined with its unique live performance and interfacing features allow it to surpass the capabilities of many larger, more expensive synthesizers.

Key Features

  • Compact lead synthesizer
  • Uncompromised sound
  • Performance flexibility
  • Durability
  • Unique live performance features
  • Interfacing features
  • Sub Oscillator
  • 24 dB/octave Low Pass Filter
  • ADSR envelope generator
  • Bender section

Pages: 48 Roland SH 09 Owner's manual

Brand: Roland Category: Synthesizer Size: 3 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

48 Pages

Owner's manual

Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the role of the Sub-Oscillator?
The Sub-Oscillator produces a parallel tone to the original VCO sound, generating a square wave tone one or two octaves below, or a fixed pulse wave tone two octaves below the VCO pitch.
What kind of filter does the SH-09 use?
The SH-09 features a high quality 24 dB/octave Low Pass Filter. This filter passes low frequencies and blocks high frequencies, allowing you to shape the tone of your sound.
What are the different control options for the Voltage Controlled Amplifier (VCA)?
The VCA has three control options: Hold, Envelope control and Keyboard Gate control. Hold opens the VCA fully, Envelope control shapes the output volume with the Envelope Generator, and Keyboard Gate control shapes the output volume directly with the Keyboard Gate.
What are the three Keyboard Controls available on the SH-09?
The keyboard of the SH-09 produces three distinct Keyboard Controls: the Keyboard Control Voltage, Keyboard Gates and Keyboard Triggers.
How does the Keyboard Control Voltage (KCV) work?
The SH-09 keyboard continuously produces a Keyboard Control Voltage that corresponds directly to the keys played on the keyboard. The KCV is used to automatically control the VCO and Sub-Oscillator pitches from the keyboard, and it's also routed to control the VCF cutoff frequency.
