Rosemount 3051S ERS

Manuals and User Guides for Rosemount 3051S ERS. We found 15 manuals for free downloads Reference manual, Quick start Guide, Quick Installation Guide, installation Guide, quick guide

Below you will find brief information for Electronic Remote Sensor 3051S ERS. The Rosemount 3051S ERS is a flexible, 2-wire HART architecture that calculates differential pressure (DP) electronically, using two pressure sensors. The pressure sensors are linked together with an electrical cable and synchronized to create a single 3051S ERS system. The sensors used in the 3051S ERS System can consist of any combination of 3051SAM and 3051SAL models. One of the sensors is required to be a “Primary” and the other is required to be a “Secondary.” The Primary sensor contains the 4-20 mA loop termination and optional LCD. The Secondary sensor is made up of a pressure sensor module and junction box housing that is connected to the Primary sensor, using a standard instrument cable.

Key Features

  • 2-wire HART architecture
  • Calculates differential pressure electronically
  • Uses two pressure sensors
  • Primary sensor with 4-20 mA loop termination
  • Secondary sensor with junction box housing
  • Optional LCD display
  • Various process connection options
  • Flexible configuration
  • Easy installation

Other manuals and documents

146 Pages

Reference manual

Languages: English

40 Pages

Quick start Guide

Languages: English

46 Pages

Quick start Guide

Languages: Dutch

48 Pages

Quick start Guide

Languages: Slovak

46 Pages

Quick start Guide

Languages: Bulgarian

46 Pages

Quick Installation Guide

Languages: Romanian

46 Pages

Quick start Guide

Languages: Croatian

46 Pages

Quick start Guide

Languages: Portuguese

46 Pages

installation Guide

Languages: Danish

46 Pages

Quick start Guide

Languages: Danish

46 Pages

Quick start Guide

Languages: Spanish

46 Pages

quick guide

Languages: Estonian

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the different models of sensors that can be used in a 3051S ERS system?
The 3051S ERS system can use any combination of 3051SAM and 3051SAL models. One sensor must be designated as the 'Primary' and the other as the 'Secondary'.
What is the maximum cable length that can be used between the primary and secondary sensors?
The maximum cable length depends on the cable capacitance. The capacitance between the communication lines as wired must be less than 5000 picofarads total. This allows up to 50 picofarads per foot (163 picofarads / meter) for a 100 ft. cable.
How do I ground the transmitter case?
The most effective transmitter case grounding method is a direct connection to earth ground with minimal impedance (< 1 ohm). Methods for grounding the transmitter case include an Internal Ground Connection screw inside the terminal side of the electronics housing and an External Ground Connection on the outside of the SuperModule housing.
How do I prevent accidental or deliberate changes to the ERS system configuration?
You can use the security (write protect) switch located on the electronics featureboard of the ERS primary sensor. Position the switch in the 'ON' position.
