SAP Web Intelligence
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Below you will find brief information for Web Intelligence. This guide helps you to explore the features and capabilities of Web Intelligence, a powerful business intelligence tool that allows you to analyze data from a variety of sources, such as universes, data files, and BEx queries. With Web Intelligence, you can create interactive reports, charts, and dashboards to gain insights from your data and make better decisions.
Key Features
- Interactive reports and charts
- Data analysis from various sources
- Drill-down and data exploration
- Data filtering and manipulation
- Report customization and formatting
- Integration with other SAP BusinessObjects tools
- Support for various data formats
- Collaboration and sharing of reports
- Security and access control
Pages: 556 SAP Web Intelligence User's Guide
Brand: SAP Category: Software Size: 11 MB
Languages: English
Table of contents
- 8 Introducing Web Intelligence
- 8 Online documentation for SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence
- 8 To access online help
- 8 About this user guide
- 8 Document History: Web Intelligence
- 11 About Web Intelligence
- 12 About the Web Intelligence interfaces
- 16 Application components
- 18 Side Panel tabs in Web Intelligence
- 19 Using the BI launch pad
- 20 To log into the BI launch pad
- 20 To log out of the BI launch pad
- 20 About setting Web Intelligence preferences
- 30 Creating and working with documents
- 30 To start the Web Intelligence interface
- 30 Creating and editing documents
- 31 To create a document without a data source
- 32 To create a document based on a universe
- 32 To create a document based on a BEx query
- 33 To create a document based on an Analysis View
- 33 To open a document from the repository
- 34 To open a document in Web Intelligence
- 34 To delete a document from the repository
- 35 Sending documents
- 35 To send a document by email
- 35 To send a document to another user or group in the CMS
- 36 To send a document by FTP
- 36 Managing reports in documents
- 37 To rename a report
- 37 To duplicate a report
- 37 To delete a report
- 37 To change the order of reports
- 38 To add a report
- 38 Saving and exporting documents, reports and data in Web Intelligence
- 40 To set preferences for saving documents as Excel
- 40 Saving and exporting documents using the Web Intelligence Applet interface
- 45 Saving and exporting documents using the Web Intelligence HTML interface
- 49 Autosaved documents
- 51 Viewing document properties
- 55 To configure document properties
- 55 Query stripping in documents
- 57 Building queries
- 57 About queries
- 58 About query and document user rights
- 58 Non-hierarchical queries defined
- 58 Hierarchical queries defined
- 60 Objects available in queries
- 65 Building queries on universes
- 66 To select a default universe
- 67 To build a query on a universe
- 68 Selecting members of a hierarchy
- 79 Resolving ambiguous queries
- 81 Setting the scope of analysis
- 83 Viewing the script generated by a query
- 85 Restricting the amount of data returned by queries
- 88 To set the maximum amount of time a query can run
- 88 To allow other users to edit queries
- 88 Building queries on data files
- 89 To build a query on a text file
- 90 To build a query on an Excel file
- 91 To edit a query based on a text file
- 91 To edit a query based on an Excel file
- 92 Building queries based on BEx queries
- 93 Which interfaces should you use to work with BEx queries?
- 93 Supported BEx query metadata
- 95 Restrictions when using BEx queries
- 98 Accessing BEx queries
- 99 Building a Web Intelligence query on a BEx query
- 115 Runtime Configuration
- 120 Building queries on Advanced Analysis views
- 120 To build a query on an Analysis View
- 121 Managing queries
- 121 To switch to Data mode
- 121 To open for edit the data provider of an existing query
- 121 The Data mode in Web Intelligence
- 123 To manage queries using the Data Manager
- 123 To set the keydates of queries
- 124 To preview query results
- 124 To sort query results
- 125 To interrupt a query
- 125 To remove a query
- 126 To duplicate a query
- 126 Changing the data source of a query
- 128 Working with multiple queries and data providers
- 129 Multiple queries, combined queries and synchronized queries compared
- 129 To add a query to an existing document
- 130 Using combined queries
- 131 An example of a combined queries
- 132 How combined queries are generated
- 132 To build a combined query
- 133 Combined query structure
- 134 Combined query precedence
- 137 Filtering data in the queries
- 137 Filtering data using query filters
- 155 Filtering data with prompts
- 166 Filtering data using subqueries
- 171 Points to consider before refreshing a document from BI launch pad
- 173 Creating reports
- 173 Working with reports
- 173 Hierarchical and non-hierarchical data
- 186 Finding text
- 186 Viewing modes
- 189 Folding and unfolding report data
- 190 To redisplay all hidden content in a report
- 190 Formatting the report layout
- 193 Printing reports
- 194 Working with tables
- 194 Displaying data in tables
- 228 Displaying data in free-standing cells
- 230 Organizing data with sections, breaks and sorts
- 243 Formatting numbers and dates
- 249 Working with charts
- 249 Opening charts created with XI Web Intelligence 3.x
- 249 Chart types
- 255 Adding, copying and removing charts
- 258 Changing the chart type
- 260 Positioning and sizing charts
- 262 Formatting charts
- 288 Filtering report data
- 299 Filtering data using input controls
- 305 Working with report data
- 305 Drilling on report data
- 327 Merging data from dimensions and hierarches
- 342 Ranking report data
- 349 Highlighting data using conditional formatting
- 354 Tracking changes in data
- 365 Enhancing reports with calculations, formulas and variables
- 366 Working with standard calculations
- 366 Working with formulas
- 368 Working with variables
- 370 Publishing, formatting, and sharing reports
- 370 Linking to other documents
- 370 Cells defined as a hyperlink
- 371 A hyperlink associated with a cell
- 373 Linking to another document in the CMS
- 376 To open a document from a hyperlink
- 377 To edit a hyperlink in a cell
- 377 To delete a hyperlink
- 377 Formatting hyperlink colors
- 378 Formatting your reports using Cascading Style Sheets
- 379 Using a Cascading Style Sheet in documents
- 379 Modifying the document default style
- 380 Modifying and using the standard default style
- 380 Web Intelligence CSS syntax
- 388 Style and 3.x documents
- 388 Creating a corporate palette for charts
- 389 Corporate palette configuration file syntax
- 390 To define a corporate palette for charts
- 391 Sharing content with other applications
- 391 Making data available for filtering in a web service
- 392 To publish a report block as a web service
- 394 Viewing and managing published content
- 395 Importing and using QaaWS queries as a BI service
- 396 BI service structure
- 416 Analyzing data in Web Intelligence reports
- 417 Features available in Web Intelligence Reading mode
- 419 Opening and creating documents
- 419 To open a document from the repository
- 419 To open a document in Web Intelligence
- 420 To create a document without a data source
- 421 Saving and exporting documents in Reading mode
- 422 Printing reports
- 422 To print reports in Web Intelligence
- 422 Searching for text in a document
- 422 To find text in a report page
- 423 Sending documents
- 423 To send a document by email
- 423 To send a document to another user or group in the CMS
- 424 To send a document by FTP
- 425 Viewing modes
- 425 Page view mode
- 425 Quick Display view mode
- 426 To switch between viewing modes
- 426 Tracking changes in data
- 428 Drilling on report data in Reading mode
- 428 Setting drill options
- 429 Drilling on measures in tables and sections
- 429 Drilling on dimensions in tables and sections
- 429 Drilling by other dimensions in a report
- 431 Drilling on charts
- 432 To take a snapshot of report drill results
- 432 Freezing table headers, columns and rows
- 433 To freeze table headers
- 433 To freeze top rows in a horizontal table
- 433 To freeze left columns in a vertical table
- 434 Unfreezing table headers, columns and rows
- 434 To unfreeze table headers
- 434 To unfreeze table rows and columns in vertical and horizontal tables
- 435 Using simple report filters
- 435 To create simple report filters
- 436 Folding and unfolding report data
- 437 To fold and unfold report data
- 437 Warning icons in charts
- 439 Web Intelligence error messages
- 439 About Web Intelligence Error Messages
- 439 Web Intelligence module error messages
- 439 Web Intelligence (WIJ) Error Messages
- 449 Web Intelligence Desktop HTML Interface (WIH) Error Messages
- 450 Web Intelligence Desktop (WIO) Error Messages
- 452 Web Intelligence Server (WIS) Error Messages
- 465 Information Engine Services (IES) Error Messages
- 517 Report Engine error messages
- 517 ReportEngine Web Intelligence (RWI) Error Messages
- 539 Custom Data Source error messages
- 539 Custom Data Source (CDS) Framework Error Messages
Other manuals and documents
Frequently Answers and Questions
How can I create a report in Web Intelligence?
What are the different types of charts that I can create in Web Intelligence?
How can I share my Web Intelligence reports with others?
Questions & Answers
How can I use the GROUPBY_EXCLUDE_COMPLEX parameter?