Manuals and User Guides for SILTRONIX 1011B. We found 3 manuals for free downloads User manual, Manual

The Siltronix 1011B is a single sideband transceiver designed for use in the 10-meter amateur radio band. It can also be used as a tunable receiver in the CB band. The 1011B includes automatic gain control (AGC), automatic level control (ALC), and grid block keying. It can be powered by 117 volts AC or 12-14 volts DC with the use of a separate DC converter unit.

Key Features

  • SSB, AM, and CW modes
  • 10-meter amateur band
  • Tunable receiver in CB band
  • Automatic gain control (AGC)
  • Automatic level control (ALC)
  • Grid block keying
  • 117 volts AC power
  • 12-14 volts DC power with converter
  • Crystal lattice filter

Pages: 32 SILTRONIX 1011B User manual

Brand: SILTRONIX Category: Two-way radios Size: 9 MB

Languages: English

Open manual

Other manuals and documents

28 Pages


Languages: English

19 Pages


Languages: English

Frequently Answers and Questions

What type of antenna is recommended for the Siltronix 1011B?
For feed line runs up to 50 feet, RG58 or RG59 is recommended. For longer runs, RG8 or RG11 produces less line loss, particularly on 10 meters.
What are the power requirements for the Siltronix 1011B?
The power requirements are 117 VAC, 50-60 Hz at 4 amps. (208-220-240volt, 50-60 Hz at 2.5 amps., export model). For 12-14 volts DC operation, use the model 14-A converter unit. Current drain is 8 amps in receive mode, 12 amps average with voice modulation, and 25 amps maximum in TUNE position.
How do I tune the Siltronix 1011B for AM transmission?
Tune the transmitter to full output as you would for SSB transmitter tuning. Rotate the MIC. GAIN control to full CCW (minimum) position. Place the SIDEBAND SELECTOR switch in the AM REC. position. Place the Meter Switch in the P.A. CATHODE position. With the microphone press-to-talk switch pressed, rotate the CARRIER INSERTION control until cathode current is approximately 125 ma.
What is the power output of the Siltronix 1011B?
The Siltronix 1011B is capable of 180 watts, P.E.P. input under steady-state two-tone test conditions. The peak envelope power, when voice modulated, is considerably greater, typically 260 watts, or more.
How do I calibrate the Siltronix 1011B?
After allowing approximately five minutes for warm-up, tune the dial to the 200 KHz increment for any of the 10-meter ranges to be calibrated. For CB calibration, tune the dial to the 27,100 KHz increment. Using the 100 KHz crystal calibrator as a signal source, tune the signal for zero beat and note the corresponding dial reading. If the signal does not zero beat on the desired dial increment, locate the VFO cover and carefully adjust the correct trimmer until it does.
