Samsung DIGIMAX UCA 501
Manuals and User Guides for Samsung DIGIMAX UCA 501. We found 8 manuals for free downloads User's manual, User manual, Operating instructions
The Samsung KENOX CYBER 410 is a digital camera designed for capturing still images and recording movie clips and voice. This user manual provides detailed instructions on using the camera, from setting up the driver, taking pictures, and downloading images to using the application software. The camera offers features like optical zoom, digital zoom, various shooting modes, and image editing functions. Explore the capabilities of your Samsung KENOX CYBER 410 and start capturing beautiful memories.
Key Features
- Optical Zoom
- Digital Zoom
- Movie Clip Recording
- Voice Recording
- Still Image Capture
- Various Shooting Modes
- Image Editing
- LCD Monitor
- SD Memory Card Support
- USB Connectivity
Pages: 116 Samsung DIGIMAX UCA 501 User's manual
Brand: Samsung Category: Bridge cameras Size: 1 MB
Languages: English
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Frequently Answers and Questions
How do I insert the memory card?
What are the different recording modes available?
How do I adjust the camera’s settings using the buttons?
Questions & Answers
Why won't the pictures I take save to the SD card?
The camera has an internal icon, but pictures aren't saving to the SD card.
What is the meaning of the 'internal icon'?
What is the meaning of the 'int icon'?
What do the 'card inserted indicator' icons mean?
How to check if the camera is reading the SD card?
What is the SD card indicator?
How to determine if the camera has an SD card?